
129 lines
3.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import struct
class InvalidVarInt(Exception):
class VarInt:
"""Implement the varint type used in mumble"""
def __init__(self, value=0):
self.value = value
def encode(self):
"""Encode an integer in the VarInt format, returning a binary string"""
result = bytearray()
value = abs(self.value)
if self.value < 0:
if self.value >= -3:
return struct.pack("!B", (0b11111100 | value))
result = struct.pack("!B", 0b11111000)
if value <= 0x7f:
return result + struct.pack("!B", value)
elif value <= 0x3fff:
return result + struct.pack("!H", 0x8000 | value)
elif value <= 0x1fffff:
return result + struct.pack("!BH", 0xc0 | (value >> 16), 0xffff & value)
elif value <= 0xfffffff:
return result + struct.pack("!L", 0xe0000000 | value)
elif value <= 0xffffffff:
return result + struct.pack("!BL", 0b11110000, value)
return result + struct.pack("!BQ", 0b11110100, value)
def decode(self, value):
"""Decode a VarInt contained in a binary string, returning an integer"""
varint = value
is_negative = False
result = None
size = 0
if len(varint) <= 0:
raise InvalidVarInt("length can't be 0")
(first, ) = struct.unpack("!B", varint[0:1])
if first & 0b11111100 == 0b11111000:
is_negative = True
size += 1
if len(varint) < 2:
raise InvalidVarInt("Too short negative varint")
varint = varint[1:]
(first, ) = struct.unpack("!B", varint[0:1])
if first & 0b10000000 == 0b00000000:
(result, ) = struct.unpack("!B", varint[0:1])
size += 1
elif first & 0b11111100 == 0b11111100:
(result, ) = struct.unpack("!B", varint[0:1])
result &= 0b00000011
is_negative = True
size += 1
elif first & 0b11000000 == 0b10000000:
if len(varint) < 2:
raise InvalidVarInt("Too short 2 bytes varint")
(result, ) = struct.unpack("!H", varint[:2])
result &= 0b0011111111111111
size += 2
elif first & 0b11100000 == 0b11000000:
if len(varint) < 3:
raise InvalidVarInt("Too short 3 bytes varint")
(result, ) = struct.unpack("!B", varint[0:1])
result &= 0b00011111
(tmp, ) = struct.unpack("!H", varint[1:3])
result = (result << 16) + tmp
size += 3
elif first & 0b11110000 == 0b11100000:
if len(varint) < 4:
raise InvalidVarInt("Too short 4 bytes varint")
(result, ) = struct.unpack("!L", varint[:4])
result &= 0x0fffffff
size += 4
elif first & 0b11111100 == 0b11110000:
if len(varint) < 5:
raise InvalidVarInt("Too short 5 bytes varint")
(result, ) = struct.unpack("!L", varint[1:5])
size += 5
elif first & 0b11111100 == 0b11110100:
if len(varint) < 9:
raise InvalidVarInt("Too short 9 bytes varint")
(result, ) = struct.unpack("!Q", varint[1:9])
size += 9
if is_negative:
self.value = - result
self.value = result
return size
def tohex(buffer):
"""Used for debugging. Output a sting in hex format"""
result = "\n"
cpt1 = 0
cpt2 = 0
for byte in buffer:
result += hex(ord(byte))[2:].zfill(2)
cpt1 += 1
if cpt1 >= 4:
result += " "
cpt1 = 0
cpt2 += 1
if cpt2 >= 10:
result += "\n"
cpt2 = 0
return result