
192 lines
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Ported from Mumble src/tests/TestCrypt/TestCrypt.cpp
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import pytest
from .crypto import CryptStateOCB2, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, EncryptFailedException, DecryptFailedException
from .crypto import ocb_encrypt, ocb_decrypt
def rawkey():
return bytes((0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0x0c,0x0d,0x0e,0x0f))
def nonce():
return bytes((0xff, 0xee, 0xdd, 0xcc, 0xbb, 0xaa, 0x99, 0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x00))
def test_reverserecovery():
enc = CryptStateOCB2()
dec = CryptStateOCB2()
# For our testcase, we're going to FORCE iv
enc.encrypt_iv = bytes((0x55,) * AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
dec.set_key(enc.raw_key, enc.decrypt_iv, enc.encrypt_iv)
secret = "abcdefghi".encode('ascii')
crypted = [enc.encrypt(secret) for _ in range(128)]
i = 0
for crypt in reversed(crypted[-30:]):
i += 1
dec.decrypt(crypt, len(secret))
for crypt in reversed(crypted[:-30]):
with pytest.raises(DecryptFailedException):
dec.decrypt(crypt, len(secret))
for crypt in reversed(crypted[-30:]):
with pytest.raises(DecryptFailedException):
dec.decrypt(crypt, len(secret))
# Extensive replay attack test
crypted = [enc.encrypt(secret) for _ in range(512)]
for crypt in crypted:
decr = dec.decrypt(crypt, len(secret))
for crypt in crypted:
with pytest.raises(DecryptFailedException):
dec.decrypt(crypt, len(secret))
def test_ivrecovery():
enc = CryptStateOCB2()
dec = CryptStateOCB2()
# For our testcase, we're going to FORCE iv
enc.encrypt_iv = bytes((0x55,) * AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
dec.set_key(enc.raw_key, enc.decrypt_iv, enc.encrypt_iv)
secret = "abcdefghi".encode('ascii')
crypted = enc.encrypt(secret)
# Can decrypt
decr = dec.decrypt(crypted, len(secret))
# ... correctly.
assert secret == decr
# But will refuse to reuse same IV.
with pytest.raises(DecryptFailedException):
dec.decrypt(crypted, len(secret))
# Recover from lost packet.
for i in range(16):
crypted = enc.encrypt(secret)
decr = dec.decrypt(crypted, len(secret))
# Wraparound.
for i in range(128):
dec.uiLost = 0
for j in range(15):
crypted = enc.encrypt(secret)
decr = dec.decrypt(crypted, len(secret))
assert dec.uiLost == 14
assert enc.encrypt_iv == dec.decrypt_iv
# Wrap too far
for i in range(257):
crypted = enc.encrypt(secret);
with pytest.raises(DecryptFailedException):
dec.decrypt(crypted, len(secret))
# Sync it
dec.decrypt_iv = enc.encrypt_iv
crypted = enc.encrypt(secret)
decr = dec.decrypt(crypted, len(secret))
def test_testvectors(rawkey):
# Test vectors are from draft-krovetz-ocb-00.txt
cs = CryptStateOCB2()
cs.set_key(rawkey, rawkey, rawkey)
_, tag = ocb_encrypt(cs._aes, bytes(), rawkey)
blanktag = bytes((0xBF,0x31,0x08,0x13,0x07,0x73,0xAD,0x5E,0xC7,0x0E,0xC6,0x9E,0x78,0x75,0xA7,0xB0))
assert len(blanktag) == AES_BLOCK_SIZE
assert tag == blanktag
source = bytes(range(40))
crypt, tag = ocb_encrypt(cs._aes, source, rawkey)
longtag = bytes((0x9D,0xB0,0xCD,0xF8,0x80,0xF7,0x3E,0x3E,0x10,0xD4,0xEB,0x32,0x17,0x76,0x66,0x88))
crypted = bytes((0xF7,0x5D,0x6B,0xC8,0xB4,0xDC,0x8D,0x66,0xB8,0x36,0xA2,0xB0,0x8B,0x32,0xA6,0x36,0x9F,0x1C,0xD3,0xC5,0x22,0x8D,0x79,0xFD,
assert tag == longtag
assert crypt[:len(crypted)] == crypted
def test_authcrypt(rawkey, nonce):
cs = CryptStateOCB2()
for ll in range(128):
cs.set_key(rawkey, nonce, nonce)
src = bytes((i + 1 for i in range(ll)))
encrypted, enctag = ocb_encrypt(cs._aes, src, nonce)
decrypted, dectag = ocb_decrypt(cs._aes, encrypted, nonce, len(src))
assert enctag == dectag
assert src == decrypted
def test_xexstarAttack(rawkey, nonce):
''' Test prevention of the attack described in section 4.1 of '''
cs = CryptStateOCB2()
cs.set_key(rawkey, nonce, nonce)
# Set first block to `len(secondBlock)`
# Set second block to arbitrary value
src = bytearray(AES_BLOCK_SIZE) + bytearray([42] * AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
with pytest.raises(EncryptFailedException):
ocb_encrypt(cs._aes, src, nonce)
encrypted, enctag = ocb_encrypt(cs._aes, src, nonce, insecure=True)
# Perform the attack
encrypted = bytearray(encrypted)
enctag = bytearray(enctag)
encrypted[AES_BLOCK_SIZE - 1] ^= AES_BLOCK_SIZE * 8
for i in range(AES_BLOCK_SIZE):
enctag[i] = src[AES_BLOCK_SIZE + i] ^ encrypted[AES_BLOCK_SIZE + i]
with pytest.raises(DecryptFailedException):
dc, dct = ocb_decrypt(cs._aes, encrypted, nonce, AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
print(dc, dct, enctag == dct)
decrypted, dectag = ocb_decrypt(cs._aes, encrypted, nonce, AES_BLOCK_SIZE, insecure=True)
# Verify forged tag (should match if attack is properly implemented)
assert enctag == dectag
def test_tamper(rawkey, nonce):
cs = CryptStateOCB2()
cs.set_key(rawkey, nonce, nonce)
msg = "It was a funky funky town!".encode('ascii')
encrypted = bytearray(cs.encrypt(msg))
for i in range(len(msg) * 8):
encrypted[i // 8] ^= 1 << (i % 8)
with pytest.raises(DecryptFailedException):
cs.decrypt(encrypted, len(msg))
encrypted[i // 8] ^= 1 << (i % 8)
decrypted = cs.decrypt(encrypted, len(msg))