#!/usr/bin/env bash # Exit the script if any of the commands fail set -e set -u set -o pipefail # Set working directory to the location of this script cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" STARTDIR="$(pwd)" DESTDIR="$STARTDIR/pkg" OUTDIR="$STARTDIR/deb" mkdir "$OUTDIR" # get version repo="aristocratos/bpytop" api=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/$repo/tags") new=$(echo $api | grep -Po '"name": "v\K.*?(?=")' | sort -V | tail -n 1) rm -rf "$DESTDIR" wget -q https://github.com/$repo/archive/v$new.tar.gz -O "$STARTDIR/bpytop.tar.gz" tar xzf "$STARTDIR/bpytop.tar.gz" # Install files install -Dm 755 "$STARTDIR/bpytop-$new/bpytop.py" "$DESTDIR/usr/local/bin/bpytop" install -Dm 644 "$STARTDIR/bpytop-$new/README.md" "$DESTDIR/usr/local/share/bpytop/doc" install -dm 644 "$STARTDIR/bpytop-$new/themes" "$DESTDIR/usr/local/share/" mkdir -p "$DESTDIR/DEBIAN" cp "$STARTDIR/DEBIAN/"* "$DESTDIR/DEBIAN/" # Modify control file for build sed -i "s/VERSION-TO-REPLACE/$new/" "$DESTDIR/DEBIAN/control" # Build .deb dpkg-deb --build "$DESTDIR" "$OUTDIR"