.btn-space { margin-right: 5px; } /* Playlist */ .playlist-item { transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; } .playlist-artwork { float: left; margin-left: 10px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } .tag-space { margin-right: 3px; } .tag-click { cursor: pointer; transition: 400ms; } .tag-unclicked { opacity: 0.6; } .tag-clicked { box-shadow: 2px 4px 10px #777777; transform: scale(1.2); opacity: 1; margin: 5px; } .library-item { display: flex; padding: .5rem .5rem .5rem 0; height: 72px; transition: ease-in-out 200ms; } .library-thumb-img { width: 70px; height: 70px; border-radius: 5px; } .library-thumb-col { position: relative; padding-left: 0; overflow: hidden; margin: -0.5rem 1rem -0.5rem 0; } .library-thumb-grp { position: absolute; top: 0; left: -95px; width: 70px; margin-left: 15px; transition: left 300ms; border-radius: 5px; opacity: 0.7; font-weight: 300; } .library-thumb-grp-hover { left: -15px; } .library-thumb-btn-up { position: absolute !important; top: 0; height: 70px; font-size: 2em; padding-top: 10px; } .library-btn-svg { width: 1rem; fill: currentColor; } .library-info-col { margin-right: 1rem; padding: 3px 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } .library-info-col .small { font-weight: 300; } .library-action { margin-left: auto; } .library-info-col .path { font-style: italic !important; font-weight: 300; } /* Theme changer and player button */ .floating-button { width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: #aaaaaa40; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 0 6px 10px 0 #66666647; transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out; font-size: 25px; color: #9896967a; text-align: center; line-height: 52px; position: fixed; right: 50px; } .floating-button:hover { background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 43%); color: white; } #volume-slider { margin-top: 4px; margin-right: 5px; } .dropdown { display: inline-block; } #volume-popover { position: relative; background: #333; color: white; font-weight: bold; padding: 4px 8px; font-size: 20px; border-radius: 4px; display: none; } #volume-popover[data-show] { display: flex; } #volume-popover a { cursor: pointer; } #volume-popover-arrow, #volume-popover-arrow::before { position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 10px; z-index: -1; top: 16px; left: 46px; } #volume-popover-arrow::before { content: ''; transform: rotate(45deg); background: #333; } #volume-popover[data-popper-placement^='top']>#volume-popover-arrow { bottom: -4px; } #playerToast { position: fixed; right: 20px; top: 20px; max-width: 800px; } #playerContainer { display: flex; height: 105px; } #playerArtwork { width: 80px; height: 80px; border-radius: 5px; } #playerArtworkIdle { width: 80px; height: 80px; border-radius: 5px; margin: auto; padding: 15px; } #playerInfo { position: relative; padding-top: 6px; margin-left: 10px; height: 80px; font-size: 15px; } #playerTitle { display: block; white-space: nowrap; } #playerArtist { display: block; white-space: nowrap; min-height: 20px; } #playerActionBox { margin-top: 5px; display: flex; float: right; } #playerBarBox { margin-top: 5px; height: 15px; width: 400px; cursor: pointer; } .scrolling { animation: scrolling 8s linear infinite; } @keyframes scrolling { 0% { transform: translateX(100%); opacity: 1; } 95% { transform: translateX(-90%); opacity: 1; } 100% { transform: translateX(-100%); opacity: 0; } } // Allows us to have H3 with the size of an H5 h3 { font-size: 1.25rem; } // Makes legend match the size of other labels legend { font-size: 1rem; }