#!/usr/bin/python3 import sqlite3 from functools import wraps from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, send_file, Response, jsonify, abort, session from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename import variables as var import util import math import os import os.path import errno from typing import Type import media import json from media.item import dicts_to_items, dict_to_item, BaseItem from media.file import FileItem from media.url import URLItem from media.url_from_playlist import PlaylistURLItem from media.radio import RadioItem from media.cache import get_cached_wrapper_from_scrap, get_cached_wrapper_by_id, get_cached_wrappers_by_tags, \ get_cached_wrapper from database import MusicDatabase, Condition import logging import time class ReverseProxied(object): """Wrap the application in this middleware and configure the front-end server to add these headers, to let you quietly bind this to a URL other than / and to an HTTP scheme that is different than what is used locally. In nginx: location /myprefix { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /myprefix; } :param app: the WSGI application """ def __init__(self, app): self.app = app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): script_name = environ.get('HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME', '') if script_name: environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name path_info = environ['PATH_INFO'] if path_info.startswith(script_name): environ['PATH_INFO'] = path_info[len(script_name):] scheme = environ.get('HTTP_X_SCHEME', '') if scheme: environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = scheme real_ip = environ.get('HTTP_X_REAL_IP', '') if real_ip: environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = real_ip return self.app(environ, start_response) root_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) web = Flask(__name__, template_folder=os.path.join(root_dir, "templates")) #web.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True log = logging.getLogger("bot") user = 'Remote Control' def init_proxy(): global web if var.is_proxified: web.wsgi_app = ReverseProxied(web.wsgi_app) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29725217/password-protect-one-webpage-in-flask-app def check_auth(username, password): """This function is called to check if a username / password combination is valid. """ if username == var.config.get("webinterface", "user") and password == var.config.get("webinterface", "password"): return True web_users = json.loads(var.db.get("privilege", "web_access", fallback='[]')) if username in web_users: user_dict = json.loads(var.db.get("user", username, fallback='{}')) if 'password' in user_dict and 'salt' in user_dict and \ util.verify_password(password, user_dict['password'], user_dict['salt']): return True return False def authenticate(): """Sends a 401 response that enables basic auth""" global log return Response('Could not verify your access level for that URL.\n' 'You have to login with proper credentials', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'}) bad_access_count = {} banned_ip = [] def requires_auth(f): @wraps(f) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): global log, user, bad_access_count, banned_ip if request.remote_addr in banned_ip: abort(403) auth_method = var.config.get("webinterface", "auth_method") if auth_method == 'password': auth = request.authorization if auth: user = auth.username if not check_auth(auth.username, auth.password): if request.remote_addr in bad_access_count: bad_access_count[request.remote_addr] += 1 log.info(f"web: failed login attempt, user: {auth.username}, from ip {request.remote_addr}." f"{bad_access_count[request.remote_addr]} attempts.") if bad_access_count[request.remote_addr] > var.config.getint("webinterface", "max_attempts", fallback=10): banned_ip.append(request.remote_addr) log.info(f"web: access banned for {request.remote_addr}") else: bad_access_count[request.remote_addr] = 1 log.info(f"web: failed login attempt, user: {auth.username}, from ip {request.remote_addr}.") return authenticate() else: return authenticate() if auth_method == 'token': if 'user' in session and 'token' not in request.args: user = session['user'] return f(*args, **kwargs) elif 'token' in request.args: token = request.args.get('token') token_user = var.db.get("web_token", token, fallback=None) if token_user is not None: user = token_user user_info = var.db.get("user", user, fallback=None) user_dict = json.loads(user_info) user_dict['IP'] = request.remote_addr var.db.set("user", user, json.dumps(user_dict)) log.debug( f"web: new user access, token validated for the user: {token_user}, from ip {request.remote_addr}.") session['token'] = token session['user'] = token_user return f(*args, **kwargs) if request.remote_addr in bad_access_count: bad_access_count[request.remote_addr] += 1 log.info(f"web: bad token from ip {request.remote_addr}, " f"{bad_access_count[request.remote_addr]} attempts.") if bad_access_count[request.remote_addr] > var.config.getint("webinterface", "max_attempts", fallback=10): banned_ip.append(request.remote_addr) log.info(f"web: access banned for {request.remote_addr}") else: bad_access_count[request.remote_addr] = 1 log.info(f"web: bad token from ip {request.remote_addr}.") return render_template(f'need_token.{var.language}.html', name=var.config.get('bot', 'username'), command=f"{var.config.get('commands', 'command_symbol')[0]}" f"{var.config.get('commands', 'requests_webinterface_access')}") return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated def tag_color(tag): num = hash(tag) % 8 if num == 0: return "primary" elif num == 1: return "secondary" elif num == 2: return "success" elif num == 3: return "danger" elif num == 4: return "warning" elif num == 5: return "info" elif num == 6: return "light" elif num == 7: return "dark" def build_tags_color_lookup(): color_lookup = {} for tag in var.music_db.query_all_tags(): color_lookup[tag] = tag_color(tag) return color_lookup def get_all_dirs(): dirs = ["."] paths = var.music_db.query_all_paths() for path in paths: pos = 0 while True: pos = path.find("/", pos + 1) if pos == -1: break folder = path[:pos] if folder not in dirs: dirs.append(folder) return dirs @web.route("/", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def index(): return open(os.path.join(root_dir, f"templates/index.{var.language}.html"), "r").read() @web.route("/playlist", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def playlist(): if len(var.playlist) == 0: return jsonify({ 'items': [], 'current_index': -1, 'length': 0, 'start_from': 0 }) DEFAULT_DISPLAY_COUNT = 11 _from = 0 _to = 10 if 'range_from' in request.args and 'range_to' in request.args: _from = int(request.args['range_from']) _to = int(request.args['range_to']) else: if var.playlist.current_index - int(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_COUNT / 2) > 0: _from = var.playlist.current_index - int(DEFAULT_DISPLAY_COUNT / 2) _to = _from - 1 + DEFAULT_DISPLAY_COUNT tags_color_lookup = build_tags_color_lookup() # TODO: cached this? items = [] for index, item_wrapper in enumerate(var.playlist[_from: _to + 1]): tag_tuples = [] for tag in item_wrapper.item().tags: tag_tuples.append([tag, tags_color_lookup[tag]]) item: Type[BaseItem] = item_wrapper.item() title = item.format_title() artist = "??" path = "" duration = 0 if isinstance(item, FileItem): path = item.path if item.artist: artist = item.artist duration = item.duration elif isinstance(item, URLItem): path = f" {item.url}" duration = item.duration elif isinstance(item, PlaylistURLItem): path = f" {item.url}" artist = f" {item.playlist_title}" duration = item.duration elif isinstance(item, RadioItem): path = f" {item.url}" thumb = "" if item.type != 'radio' and item.thumbnail: thumb = f"data:image/PNG;base64,{item.thumbnail}" else: thumb = "static/image/unknown-album.png" items.append({ 'index': _from + index, 'id': item.id, 'type': item.display_type(), 'path': path, 'title': title, 'artist': artist, 'thumbnail': thumb, 'tags': tag_tuples, 'duration': duration }) return jsonify({ 'items': items, 'current_index': var.playlist.current_index, 'length': len(var.playlist), 'start_from': _from }) def status(): if len(var.playlist) > 0: return jsonify({'ver': var.playlist.version, 'current_index': var.playlist.current_index, 'empty': False, 'play': not var.bot.is_pause, 'mode': var.playlist.mode, 'volume': var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set, 'playhead': var.bot.playhead }) else: return jsonify({'ver': var.playlist.version, 'current_index': var.playlist.current_index, 'empty': True, 'play': not var.bot.is_pause, 'mode': var.playlist.mode, 'volume': var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set, 'playhead': 0 }) @web.route("/post", methods=['POST']) @requires_auth def post(): global log payload = request.form if request.form else request.json if payload: log.debug("web: Post request from %s: %s" % (request.remote_addr, str(payload))) if 'add_item_at_once' in payload: music_wrapper = get_cached_wrapper_by_id(payload['add_item_at_once'], user) if music_wrapper: var.playlist.insert(var.playlist.current_index + 1, music_wrapper) log.info('web: add to playlist(next): ' + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) if not var.bot.is_pause: var.bot.interrupt() else: var.bot.is_pause = False else: abort(404) if 'add_item_bottom' in payload: music_wrapper = get_cached_wrapper_by_id(payload['add_item_bottom'], user) if music_wrapper: var.playlist.append(music_wrapper) log.info('web: add to playlist(bottom): ' + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) else: abort(404) elif 'add_item_next' in payload: music_wrapper = get_cached_wrapper_by_id(payload['add_item_next'], user) if music_wrapper: var.playlist.insert(var.playlist.current_index + 1, music_wrapper) log.info('web: add to playlist(next): ' + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) else: abort(404) elif 'add_url' in payload: music_wrapper = get_cached_wrapper_from_scrap(type='url', url=payload['add_url'], user=user) var.playlist.append(music_wrapper) log.info("web: add to playlist: " + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) if len(var.playlist) == 2: # If I am the second item on the playlist. (I am the next one!) var.bot.async_download_next() elif 'add_radio' in payload: url = payload['add_radio'] music_wrapper = get_cached_wrapper_from_scrap(type='radio', url=url, user=user) var.playlist.append(music_wrapper) log.info("cmd: add to playlist: " + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) elif 'delete_music' in payload: music_wrapper = var.playlist[int(payload['delete_music'])] log.info("web: delete from playlist: " + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) if len(var.playlist) >= int(payload['delete_music']): index = int(payload['delete_music']) if index == var.playlist.current_index: var.playlist.remove(index) if index < len(var.playlist): if not var.bot.is_pause: var.bot.interrupt() var.playlist.current_index -= 1 # then the bot will move to next item else: # if item deleted is the last item of the queue var.playlist.current_index -= 1 if not var.bot.is_pause: var.bot.interrupt() else: var.playlist.remove(index) elif 'play_music' in payload: music_wrapper = var.playlist[int(payload['play_music'])] log.info("web: jump to: " + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) if len(var.playlist) >= int(payload['play_music']): var.bot.play(int(payload['play_music'])) time.sleep(0.1) elif 'move_playhead' in payload: if float(payload['move_playhead']) < var.playlist.current_item().item().duration: log.info(f"web: move playhead to {float(payload['move_playhead'])} s.") var.bot.play(var.playlist.current_index, float(payload['move_playhead'])) elif 'delete_item_from_library' in payload: _id = payload['delete_item_from_library'] var.playlist.remove_by_id(_id) item = var.cache.get_item_by_id(_id) if os.path.isfile(item.uri()): log.info("web: delete file " + item.uri()) os.remove(item.uri()) var.cache.free_and_delete(_id) time.sleep(0.1) elif 'add_tag' in payload: music_wrappers = get_cached_wrappers_by_tags([payload['add_tag']], user) for music_wrapper in music_wrappers: log.info("cmd: add to playlist: " + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) var.playlist.extend(music_wrappers) elif 'action' in payload: action = payload['action'] if action == "randomize": if var.playlist.mode != "random": var.playlist = media.playlist.get_playlist("random", var.playlist) else: var.playlist.randomize() var.bot.interrupt() var.db.set('playlist', 'playback_mode', "random") log.info("web: playback mode changed to random.") if action == "one-shot": var.playlist = media.playlist.get_playlist("one-shot", var.playlist) var.db.set('playlist', 'playback_mode', "one-shot") log.info("web: playback mode changed to one-shot.") if action == "repeat": var.playlist = media.playlist.get_playlist("repeat", var.playlist) var.db.set('playlist', 'playback_mode', "repeat") log.info("web: playback mode changed to repeat.") if action == "autoplay": var.playlist = media.playlist.get_playlist("autoplay", var.playlist) var.db.set('playlist', 'playback_mode', "autoplay") log.info("web: playback mode changed to autoplay.") if action == "rescan": var.cache.build_dir_cache() var.music_db.manage_special_tags() log.info("web: Local file cache refreshed.") elif action == "stop": if var.config.getboolean("bot", "clear_when_stop_in_oneshot", fallback=False) \ and var.playlist.mode == 'one-shot': var.bot.clear() else: var.bot.stop() elif action == "next": if not var.bot.is_pause: var.bot.interrupt() else: var.playlist.next() var.bot.wait_for_ready = True elif action == "pause": var.bot.pause() elif action == "resume": var.bot.resume() elif action == "clear": var.bot.clear() elif action == "volume_up": if var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set + 0.03 < 1.0: var.bot.volume_helper.set_volume(var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set + 0.03) else: var.bot.volume_helper.set_volume(1.0) var.db.set('bot', 'volume', str(var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set)) log.info("web: volume up to %d" % (var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set * 100)) elif action == "volume_down": if var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set - 0.03 > 0: var.bot.volume_helper.set_volume(var.bot.unconverted_volume - 0.03) else: var.bot.volume_helper.set_volume(1.0) var.db.set('bot', 'volume', str(var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set)) log.info("web: volume down to %d" % (var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set * 100)) elif action == "volume_set_value": if 'new_volume' in payload: if float(payload['new_volume']) > 1: var.bot.volume_helper.set_volume(1.0) elif float(payload['new_volume']) < 0: var.bot.volume_helper.set_volume(0) else: # value for new volume is between 0 and 1, round to two decimal digits var.bot.volume_helper.set_volume(round(float(payload['new_volume']), 2)) var.db.set('bot', 'volume', str(var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set)) log.info("web: volume set to %d" % (var.bot.volume_helper.plain_volume_set * 100)) return status() def build_library_query_condition(form): try: condition = Condition() types = form['type'].split(",") sub_cond = Condition() for type in types: sub_cond.or_equal("type", type) condition.and_sub_condition(sub_cond) if form['type'] == 'file': folder = form['dir'] if folder == ".": folder = "" if not folder.endswith('/') and folder: folder += '/' condition.and_like('path', folder + '%') tags = form['tags'].split(",") for tag in tags: if tag: condition.and_like("tags", f"%{tag},%", case_sensitive=False) _keywords = form['keywords'].split(" ") keywords = [] for kw in _keywords: if kw: keywords.append(kw) for keyword in keywords: condition.and_like("keywords", f"%{keyword}%", case_sensitive=False) condition.order_by('create_at', desc=True) return condition except KeyError: abort(400) @web.route("/library/info", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth def library_info(): global log while var.cache.dir_lock.locked(): time.sleep(0.1) tags = var.music_db.query_all_tags() max_upload_file_size = util.parse_file_size(var.config.get("webinterface", "max_upload_file_size", fallback="30MB")) return jsonify(dict( dirs=get_all_dirs(), upload_enabled=var.config.getboolean("webinterface", "upload_enabled", fallback=True), delete_allowed=var.config.getboolean("webinterface", "delete_allowed", fallback=True), tags=tags, max_upload_file_size=max_upload_file_size )) @web.route("/library", methods=['POST']) @requires_auth def library(): global log ITEM_PER_PAGE = 10 payload = request.form if request.form else request.json if payload: log.debug("web: Post request from %s: %s" % (request.remote_addr, str(payload))) if payload['action'] in ['add', 'query', 'delete']: condition = build_library_query_condition(payload) total_count = 0 try: total_count = var.music_db.query_music_count(condition) except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass if not total_count: return jsonify({ 'items': [], 'total_pages': 0, 'active_page': 0 }) if payload['action'] == 'add': items = dicts_to_items(var.music_db.query_music(condition)) music_wrappers = [] for item in items: music_wrapper = get_cached_wrapper(item, user) music_wrappers.append(music_wrapper) log.info("cmd: add to playlist: " + music_wrapper.format_debug_string()) var.playlist.extend(music_wrappers) return redirect("./", code=302) elif payload['action'] == 'delete': if var.config.getboolean("webinterface", "delete_allowed", fallback=True): items = dicts_to_items(var.music_db.query_music(condition)) for item in items: var.playlist.remove_by_id(item.id) item = var.cache.get_item_by_id(item.id) if os.path.isfile(item.uri()): log.info("web: delete file " + item.uri()) os.remove(item.uri()) var.cache.free_and_delete(item.id) if len(os.listdir(var.music_folder + payload['dir'])) == 0: os.rmdir(var.music_folder + payload['dir']) time.sleep(0.1) return redirect("./", code=302) else: abort(403) else: page_count = math.ceil(total_count / ITEM_PER_PAGE) current_page = int(payload['page']) if 'page' in payload else 1 if current_page <= page_count: condition.offset((current_page - 1) * ITEM_PER_PAGE) else: current_page = 1 condition.limit(ITEM_PER_PAGE) items = dicts_to_items(var.music_db.query_music(condition)) results = [] for item in items: result = {'id': item.id, 'title': item.title, 'type': item.display_type(), 'tags': [(tag, tag_color(tag)) for tag in item.tags]} if item.type != 'radio' and item.thumbnail: result['thumb'] = f"data:image/PNG;base64,{item.thumbnail}" else: result['thumb'] = "static/image/unknown-album.png" if item.type == 'file': result['path'] = item.path result['artist'] = item.artist else: result['path'] = item.url result['artist'] = "??" results.append(result) return jsonify({ 'items': results, 'total_pages': page_count, 'active_page': current_page }) elif payload['action'] == 'edit_tags': tags = list(dict.fromkeys(payload['tags'].split(","))) # remove duplicated items if payload['id'] in var.cache: music_wrapper = get_cached_wrapper_by_id(payload['id'], user) music_wrapper.clear_tags() music_wrapper.add_tags(tags) var.playlist.version += 1 else: item = var.music_db.query_music_by_id(payload['id']) item['tags'] = tags var.music_db.insert_music(item) return redirect("./", code=302) else: abort(400) @web.route('/upload', methods=["POST"]) @requires_auth def upload(): global log if not var.config.getboolean("webinterface", "upload_enabled", fallback=True): abort(403) file = request.files['file'] if not file: abort(400) filename = file.filename if filename == '': abort(400) targetdir = request.form['targetdir'].strip() if targetdir == '': targetdir = 'uploads/' elif '../' in targetdir: abort(403) log.info('web: Uploading file from %s:' % request.remote_addr) log.info('web: - filename: ' + filename) log.info('web: - targetdir: ' + targetdir) log.info('web: - mimetype: ' + file.mimetype) if "audio" in file.mimetype or "video" in file.mimetype: storagepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(var.music_folder, targetdir)) if not storagepath.startswith(os.path.abspath(var.music_folder)): abort(403) try: os.makedirs(storagepath) except OSError as ee: if ee.errno != errno.EEXIST: log.error(f'web: failed to create directory {storagepath}') abort(500) filepath = os.path.join(storagepath, filename) log.info('web: - file saved at: ' + filepath) if os.path.exists(filepath): return 'File existed!', 409 file.save(filepath) else: log.error(f'web: unsupported file type {file.mimetype}! File was not saved.') return 'Unsupported media type!', 415 return '', 200 @web.route('/download', methods=["GET"]) @requires_auth def download(): global log if 'id' in request.args and request.args['id']: item = dicts_to_items(var.music_db.query_music( Condition().and_equal('id', request.args['id'])))[0] requested_file = item.uri() log.info('web: Download of file %s requested from %s:' % (requested_file, request.remote_addr)) try: return send_file(requested_file, as_attachment=True) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) abort(404) else: condition = build_library_query_condition(request.args) items = dicts_to_items(var.music_db.query_music(condition)) zipfile = util.zipdir([item.uri() for item in items]) try: return send_file(zipfile, as_attachment=True) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) abort(404) return abort(400) if __name__ == '__main__': web.run(port=8181, host="")