import threading import logging import os import hashlib import traceback from PIL import Image import yt_dlp as youtube_dl import glob from io import BytesIO import base64 import util from constants import tr_cli as tr import media import variables as var from media.item import BaseItem, item_builders, item_loaders, item_id_generators, ValidationFailedError, \ PreparationFailedError from util import format_time log = logging.getLogger("bot") def url_item_builder(**kwargs): return URLItem(kwargs['url']) def url_item_loader(_dict): return URLItem("", _dict) def url_item_id_generator(**kwargs): return hashlib.md5(kwargs['url'].encode()).hexdigest() item_builders['url'] = url_item_builder item_loaders['url'] = url_item_loader item_id_generators['url'] = url_item_id_generator class URLItem(BaseItem): def __init__(self, url, from_dict=None): self.validating_lock = threading.Lock() if from_dict is None: super().__init__() self.url = url if url[-1] != "/" else url[:-1] self.title = "" self.duration = 0 = hashlib.md5(url.encode()).hexdigest() self.path = var.tmp_folder + self.thumbnail = "" self.keywords = "" else: super().__init__(from_dict) self.url = from_dict['url'] self.duration = from_dict['duration'] self.path = from_dict['path'] self.title = from_dict['title'] self.thumbnail = from_dict['thumbnail'] self.downloading = False self.type = "url" def uri(self): return self.path def is_ready(self): if self.downloading or self.ready != 'yes': return False if self.ready == 'yes' and not os.path.exists(self.path): "url: music file missed for %s" % self.format_debug_string()) self.ready = 'validated' return False return True def validate(self): try: self.validating_lock.acquire() if self.ready in ['yes', 'validated']: return True # if self.ready == 'failed': # self.validating_lock.release() # return False # if os.path.exists(self.path): self.ready = "yes" return True # Check if this url is banned if var.db.has_option('url_ban', self.url): raise ValidationFailedError(tr('url_ban', url=self.url)) # avoid multiple process validating in the meantime info = self._get_info_from_url() if not info: return False # Check if the song is too long and is not whitelisted max_duration = var.config.getint('bot', 'max_track_duration') * 60 if max_duration and \ not var.db.has_option('url_whitelist', self.url) and \ self.duration > max_duration: "url: " + self.url + " has a duration of " + str(self.duration / 60) + " min -- too long") raise ValidationFailedError(tr('too_long', song=self.format_title(), duration=format_time(self.duration), max_duration=format_time(max_duration))) else: self.ready = "validated" self.version += 1 # notify wrapper to save me return True finally: self.validating_lock.release() # Run in a other thread def prepare(self): if not self.downloading: assert self.ready == 'validated' return self._download() else: assert self.ready == 'yes' return True def _get_info_from_url(self):"url: fetching metadata of url %s " % self.url) ydl_opts = { 'noplaylist': True } cookie = var.config.get('youtube_dl', 'cookie_file') if cookie: ydl_opts['cookiefile'] = var.config.get('youtube_dl', 'cookie_file') user_agent = var.config.get('youtube_dl', 'user_agent') if user_agent: youtube_dl.utils.std_headers['User-Agent'] = var.config.get('youtube_dl', 'user_agent')\ succeed = False with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: attempts = var.config.getint('bot', 'download_attempts') for i in range(attempts): try: info = ydl.extract_info(self.url, download=False) self.duration = info['duration'] self.title = info['title'].strip() self.keywords = self.title succeed = True return True except youtube_dl.utils.DownloadError: pass except KeyError: # info has no 'duration' break if not succeed: self.ready = 'failed' self.log.error("url: error while fetching info from the URL") raise ValidationFailedError(tr('unable_download', item=self.format_title())) def _download(self): util.clear_tmp_folder(var.tmp_folder, var.config.getint('bot', 'tmp_folder_max_size')) self.downloading = True base_path = var.tmp_folder + save_path = base_path # Download only if music is not existed self.ready = "preparing""bot: downloading url (%s) %s " % (self.title, self.url)) ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': base_path, 'noplaylist': True, 'writethumbnail': True, 'updatetime': False, 'verbose': var.config.getboolean('debug', 'youtube_dl'), 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegThumbnailsConvertor', 'format': 'jpg', 'when': 'before_dl' }] } cookie = var.config.get('youtube_dl', 'cookie_file') if cookie: ydl_opts['cookiefile'] = var.config.get('youtube_dl', 'cookie_file') user_agent = var.config.get('youtube_dl', 'user_agent') if user_agent: youtube_dl.utils.std_headers['User-Agent'] = var.config.get('youtube_dl', 'user_agent') with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: attempts = var.config.getint('bot', 'download_attempts') download_succeed = False for i in range(attempts):"bot: download attempts %d / %d" % (i + 1, attempts)) try: ydl.extract_info(self.url) download_succeed = True break except: error_traceback = traceback.format_exc().split("During")[0] error = error_traceback.rstrip().split("\n")[-1] self.log.error("bot: download failed with error:\n %s" % error) if download_succeed: self.path = save_path self.ready = "yes" "bot: finished downloading url (%s) %s, saved to %s." % (self.title, self.url, self.path)) self.downloading = False self._read_thumbnail_from_file(base_path + ".jpg") self.version += 1 # notify wrapper to save me return True else: for f in glob.glob(base_path + "*"): os.remove(f) self.ready = "failed" self.downloading = False raise PreparationFailedError(tr('unable_download', item=self.format_title())) def _read_thumbnail_from_file(self, path_thumbnail): if os.path.isfile(path_thumbnail): im = self.thumbnail = self._prepare_thumbnail(im) def _prepare_thumbnail(self, im): im.thumbnail((100, 100), Image.LANCZOS) buffer = BytesIO() im = im.convert('RGB'), format="JPEG") return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') def to_dict(self): dict = super().to_dict() dict['type'] = 'url' dict['url'] = self.url dict['duration'] = self.duration dict['path'] = self.path dict['title'] = self.title dict['thumbnail'] = self.thumbnail return dict def format_debug_string(self): return "[url] {title} ({url})".format( title=self.title, url=self.url ) def format_song_string(self, user): if self.ready in ['validated', 'yes']: return tr("url_item", title=self.title if self.title else "??", url=self.url, user=user) return self.url def format_current_playing(self, user): display = tr("now_playing", item=self.format_song_string(user)) if self.thumbnail: thumbnail_html = '' display += "
" + thumbnail_html return display def format_title(self): return self.title if self.title else self.url def display_type(self): return tr("url")